December 16, 2013
Hola familia y
So I have an
interesting story for you! When I was in Bloomington Hills, I was talking to
someone about my gluten allergy and they suggested that I should go to this
doctor, Dr. Pi......n because his specialty is curing allergies. They gave me a
card and everything, but I just disregarded it. Anyways, so when I came to
Coral Canyon I noticed that one of our bishops' names was Bishop Pi.....on, so I
kinda wondered about that...and then after this transfer started, Sister Ri....a
told me about how she had gone to Dr. Pi.....on, who was that bishop, and he had
cured her of a meat allergy. So she pushed me into making an appointment with
him today. Anyways, so we went this morning and it was one of the neatest
experiences I have had in a while!
His whole field
of study is so interesting. He studied under some research scientist about
electromagnetic fields, which science has known for about 100 years has existed
around each being. But he said that Joseph Smith knew before that--the electromagnetic
field that science has discovered is evidence of how everything is created spiritually
before it is physically. Anyways, so his work is kinda like
magnets--he works with allergies in the body to make them like a positive to a
negative magnet, instead of being like two positives facing each other, which
creates repulsion. Which is what the
body does to reject an allergen. Anyways, so he had me lie down on my back with
a vial of a substance in one fist, and then raise the other hand above my head
facing away from me. He would push on that hand and I would resist, but if I
was allergic to the substance in my other hand, my arm would become weak and I
wouldn't be able to resist. Anyways, he did it with a few different substances,
telling me what they were afterwards. I was able to resist Calcium, Vitamin C,
citrus, and chicken/eggs/feathers, but when he put the gluten one in my hand
and pushed my outstretched arm down, it shot down like a rock. I was like,
"Wait! I don't know what just happened!" Haha he tried it one more
time, and again I couldn't resist at all. It was super trippy! Anyways,
he's trying to cure it now so he did something to adjust my electromagnetic's hard to explain, but I had to have the gluten vial touching my
fingertips, and then he ran a pulse thing down my spine.
Other neat thing
though, he said that when he was researching and studying from the
neuroscientist lady, he asked her why it had to be touching the fingertips, and
she said that all energy is conducted through the fingertips. Like the
Spirit working through the laying on of is done by touching the
fingertips to the person's head. Also, after sending the pulses down the
spine, he had to put this vibration thing against certain pressure points in the
body: middle arm, between the thumb and pointer finger, between the first two
toes, and the ankle. But the scientist explained to him that it doesn't need to
be done to children under eight because for some reason their magnetic energy
is already in balance...I wonder why it changes at age eight. Anyways,
it's hard to explain everything, but it was so fascinating! Basically, all
truth comes from our Heavenly Father, so it all connects. Science just more and
more proves things that God has already told us. After this life we are
probably all going to look back and marvel at how infant our knowledge was in
comparison to God's knowledge!
So I have this
vial of gluten taped on my shoulder that he said needs to be there for 24
hours, and then next time we will test out gluten. I'm a little scared of that,
but he is a bishop so I know I can trust him, plus he has a doctorate in
this stuff and has cured all kinds of allergies, not to mention that he is has
cured gluten allergies hundreds of times. : )
This weekend is Be.....'s baptism!! I
am so excited! I hope that everything goes well with it...we are going to
invite our investigators to it as well :) Wahoo!
I am looooving being full-proselyting! My companion is so great, we have full
study time each day, we get to go to the wards we cover for church every
Sunday, we live in our area, we don't have to worry about appointments
clashing with time that we are in the Visitors Center...everything is just so
great! I am loving it. And we are working hard to set up lots of appointments
so that we keep ourselves busy. Especially since there is still tons of snow
outside! I am hoping that that will go away soon.
I can't wait to see/hear you all next week! Ahhh can you believe that Christmas
is so close? And that it is my second Christmas on my mission?! Weird,
I love you all so much!
--Sister Burner
Who just happens to have an unused toaster in their new apt?! ME!! I can toast my gluten free bread instead of accidentally burning it in the oven! Tender mercy!!!!!!
After transfer meeting at the vc. |